
18.5.95 (Thu)

I am now on a train to Dieppe, Normandy, which will stop at Rouen, my destination. It is raining outside.

I hesitated this morning about what to do today so I started off late. When I finally got to Gare St Lazare, I had missed the earlier trains and had not many choices. I would have liked to go to the D-Day Beach and Cherbourg as recommended by Fiona but they were too far away and I was afraid of returning late for I would have some packing to do tonight. I am leaving at 7:07 am tomorrow by TGV to Brussels. I don't know how Rouen will be like. But I can always wander around.

* * *

I am now, again, on a train back to Paris. Rouen was nothing special to me except that the place was full of old buildings with brown lines drawn on their facades. Well, I think it was a nice place, mainly because of the fine weather there. I really hope that the rain has stopped in Paris.

I seem to have forgotten that I can't stand long-haul train rides. I will easily throw up. That is how I feel now. Eurrr.....h!

I must record this : I had a very delicious sandwich of chicken/egg mayonnaise/vegetable in Rouen. It only cost 17 FF. I chose it because "poulet"was the only word I could recognise.

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