
A toilet cistern is not rocket science. I can fix it !!!

And I have fixed the leakage.  And before that I had fixed the crack next to an air-conditioner.

And before that I’d hired an electrician to fix the light in the kitchen.  And before that my brother had helped fix  the light in my living room.  And before that the landlord had had to fix the leakage from my bathtub.

It looks like that the whole apartment needs some good fixing. 

And of course I plan to move out next spring …


L'Hymne à l'Amour

今天跟余小姐一起去看 Les Choristes in Concert,聽了許多好歌,相當喜歡。可惜下半場有本地小孩的表演,曲目相當可怕(包括崖上的波兒、何家小雞何家猜和麥兜狂想曲),我沒想過聽法國樂團的表演要附加忍受本地表演,無法消受,於是中途退席。

表演中好聽的歌曲包括L'Hymne à l'Amour,一看開頭的兩句就想起古詩“上邪”中的“天地合 乃敢與君絕”:

Le ciel bleu sur nous peut s'effondrer
Et la terre peut bien s'écrouler
Peu m'importe si tu m'aimes
Je me fous du monde entier

這兒有Edith Piaf 的版本,挺好聽。