

行程二稿(初稿已放到Lonely Planet 的 Thorntree 上讓人評論過):

Days 1-3----Dubrovnik (fly from Gatwick to Dubrovnik), with 1 day trip to somewhere near, stay in Dubrovnik

Days 4-6----Split (bus from Dubrovnik, 4.5 hrs), with day trips to Trogir and an island, stay in Split

Day 7-------Zadar (bus from Split, 3hrs), stay in Zadar

Day 8-------Plitvice Lakes (bus from Zadar, 3 hrs), stay in a nearby hotel

Day 9-10----Zagreb (bus from Plitvice Lakes, 2.5 hrs), with a day trip to Varazdin, stay in Zagreb

Day 11-13---Rovinj (bus from Zagreb, 6.5 hrs), with a day trip to Pula, stay in Rovinj

Days 14-15--Ljubljana (bus from Rovinj, 5.5 hrs), with a day trip to Lake Bled, stay in Ljubljana

Day 16------Fly from Ljubljana to London in late afternoon

Days 17-19--London


早已知道倫敦是一個很昂貴的城市,但是原來克羅地亞也比想象中昂貴。找尋住宿遇到不小的困難,尤其是Dubrovnik ,地點適合的酒店的一個房間每晚動輒要100歐元以上,我孤身一人住不起,只好找民宿、賓館。不停地發電郵訂房,不停地失敗:沒房間、房價太貴、沒回覆,還有的回覆提及要匯款作定金。只好屢敗屢試。最後誤打誤撞游走到一個香港的旅遊網頁,有人提到Dubrovnik一家由一個婆婆主理的民宿,有點殘舊但清潔便宜。於是又發電郵去試試運氣,豈料主人不旋踵就回覆說有房間,26 歐元一晚,我當然立刻答應,雖然對這麽便宜的價錢也不無擔憂……



我最近看了幾部電視劇 (薔薇之戀、惡作劇之吻、交響情人夢)。它們都有一些共通點:男主角都出類拔萃,女主角都迷迷糊糊(一個不美但心地善良、一個又不美又不聰明幾乎一無是處、一個有才能但邋邋遢遢),都是女的看上男的,然後死命纏着黏着不放,無論人家怎樣拒絕怎樣的冷面孔,她們總是鍥而不舍、屢敗屢戰。當然囉,在這種故事中,她們總是會得到最後的勝利的。

看着看着我當然就想起"男追女隔重山,女追男隔層紗"這句話。究竟在現實生活中,這類情況多不多,會真的成功嗎?被纏繞的人會不會只是抗拒不果而只好就範?反正自己是男子沒甚麽關係啦。 又或是,這只會在戲劇(還得是這類無關痛癢的戲劇)中發生呢?



Is Bosnia still at war?

I was reading my brand new LP guide on Croatia, and to my great surprise I discovered that I would have to go through Bosnia briefly to get from one city in Croatia (Dubrovnik) to another (Split) by bus. I've been using a Rough Guide on Croatia for a while and had never noticed this (granted, I was not really paying a lot of attention).

I have never imagined going to Bosnia (like I had never thought about going to Palestine).

And I know nothing about Bosnia. Here's what I've gathered from wiki -

Country name - Bosnia and Herzegovina (not just Bosnia) / 波斯尼亞黑塞哥維那.

In the country there are three entities - 1) Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 波黑聯邦, 2) Republika Srpska 塞爾維亞共和邦 (very confusing cause there is another country called Serbia) , and 3) Brčko federal district.

In 1) above there are divisions called cantons, something like provinces.

Then there are 100+ municipalities throughout, and 4 official cities (something like our 直轄市 I think) including Sarajevo.

All in all I find the information very foreign and exotic. haha.

And all the names are very confusing. Serbia x 2, then there are also Marcedonia x2, although one is in Greece and the other is called Former Yugoslavian Republic of Marcedonia (FYROM). hmmm.... a mess ...

Found this article on FYROM on the internet (written in 1995), not sure if it is still true today ->


On my way to Belgrade, I saw big politics in action for the first time. Greece has a conflict with the Former Yugoslavian Republic Of Marcedonia (FYROM) about the country's name, flag and constitution. In Greece everyone calls the country Skopje and don't think they have any right to the name Marcedonia.

On the Train to Belgrade, I passed through FYROM. On the way up they had one flag and on the way back they had a new one. When I was living at home in Denmark, I thought the conflict was ridiculous. But after I have talked to a lot of Greeks and Serbs, I can understand the importance of the question.

No part of the original Marcedonia lies in FYROM. The situation is as if the island Zealand in Denmark would call itself Prussia and put the German eagle in their flag. Said that, it is illogical that Greece didn't protest when FYROM was a part of Yugoslavia and called itself Marcedonia.

History means a lot to the people on Balkan. On the way to Belgrade I talked to a Greek called Pascal. He was on his way to Serbia to join their army voluntarily. I asked him why ? Greece and Serbia had always supported each other in wars, so therefore he went up there to support Serbia. Serbia has whole army units, which consists of voluntary Greeks !

As a Dane it was very difficult to understand this way of thinking. When I came back to Athens, I talked to my Greek friend Yanis about it. He said it was exactly what he would like to do. Yanis is a computer programmer, intelligent and modern, but in Greece history means a lot to even young and modern people.




我陸陸續續已買了三程機票(香港/倫敦來回和倫敦到Dubrovnik 單程),是時候落實最後一程機票和其他住宿、陸路交通安排。


我本已買了克羅地亞的Rough Guide,可是看得不太習慣,明天還是去訂幾本Lonely Planet吧。









她:(無語)…… 你好……(普通話)

