
Ring finger

I felt a bit down waking up this morning. Because of the pain and stiffness, the first thing I did was look at my right hand. And seeing that the knuckle of the ring finger had swollen, as I had feared, I shoved my hand under the pillow, closed my eyes and did not want to get up. One more finger. And I did not know how to deal with it except to try to accept it.

There was the pain. It had not left me for a good while. And it was the warning of the attack and damage. But I had to get up somehow. I raised my hand, ignored the pain, flexed my fingers and closed my fist. After a few times, the pain did not feel so bad. In fact the pain at the right wrist had reduced, though the swelling remained.

At least some pain was gone. So it was not all bad news.

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